Drive Inventory
Make an Excel spreadsheet of all your files
Drive Inventory is latest version uploaded Oct 22, 2021.   Digitally Signed by MICHAEL ROBINSON using my purchased
Code Signing Certificate.
File Name ...... driveinventory.exe
Bytes .......... 1,758,944
Time Stamp ..... October 22, 2021, 06:38:49 AM
File CRC ....... EFB785AC
SHA-256 ........ 9396CBDBD49BB248BA12324859AE2B89190B2A51F2220FECEC08195943B1319A
File Name ...... driveinventory-setup.exe
Bytes .......... 4,758,880
Time Stamp ..... October 22, 2021, 10:48:27 AM
File CRC ....... 25686A53
SHA-256 ........ 0B680352CE496CBC7781C5D252DE18B6653ECBD733D8CDB71971DD8BF858931A
If you run the install program, I recommend that you do so as an Administrator on that computer.
Run the program
to install the program. The install program will overwrite any previous version so you are not required to uninstall older versions. The install program will create a folder, copy all the files to the folder, and create shortcuts on the desktop.
An alternate install method is to download
and copy it to a folder you create for this program.
Drive Inventory is a 32-bit program but also runs fine on 64-bit systems.
If you purchase this program and are not satisfied with it for any reason I will refund your money.
This trial version will operate for 14 days. If you purchase the program I will send you a serial number by email that will enable continued operation with no time limit. Pay once and all future upgrades are free. Your serial number will work with all future versions. This demo version is fully functional. No features have been removed. It contains no spyware, no advertising.
The purchase price is
(Twenty) US Dollars. I accept major credit cards,
, or personal checks. Press one of the links below and your browser will open and go to PayPal with all the purchase information already filled out. You can use PayPal to pay by credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account. The total cost to you is $20.00. No fees. Use your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover card.
Or send payment by
Or send personal check or money order payable to Michael Robinson:
Michael Robinson
PO Box 95
Shelton, CT 06484
I am PayPal Verified. My Account Creation Date is May 30, 2000. Yes, I have been using this PayPal account for over TWENTY years.
The Official PayPal Verified Seal above means that I have provided PayPal with proof that I have a bank account and that my address is valid. Banks are required by law to screen account holders so PayPal's verification process increases security when you pay parties you do not know. My bank has my address and Social Security number on file. I have been using PayPal for over 20 years.
I use PayPal because the fees are low. If you send me $20.00 PayPal only takes about $1.00 so I net $19.00. All other payment services take several dollars so I would have to charge around $25 for my program to gain the same net. This lowers the cost to you. PayPal is usually free for most transactions, such as Ebay auction payments, but as a business I am required to have a Premier Account with fees. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still use PayPal to make a payment using your credit card. PayPal does not charge you any fees for this. PayPal is a very secure and reliable payment system used by millions of people around the world.