MoonMagic is a FREE program. Donation of $10 is requested but not required. All features are enabled. No time limit. No advertising. No spyware. No nag screens.
Your PC must be connected to the internet. All images are downloaded from the
NASA web site.
There is one Moon image for every hour of 2024, for a total of 8,784 images totaling over 100 gigabytes.
SIDE shows the Moon altitude in degrees above the horizon for that day. The moon is shown rotated by the
parallactic angle
seen at your latitude and longitude.
SIDE shows the Moon phase and
(wobble), or one of 4 other views. Click the Rotate Parallactic checkbox to turn rotation on and off.
Click on the calendar (or one of the buttons) to change the day or hour. All views are on the hour. NASA does not provide fractional hour views.
Be sure to try the ANIMATE MOON checkbox to set the moon in motion. You can adjust the animation speed by changing the HOURS PER STEP dropdown from 1 hour to 24 hours per step.
Use the SHOW dropdown to select one of FIVE viewing options: Moon, Chart Horizontal, Orbit, Globe, Chart Vertical.
The orbit of the Moon viewed from the north pole of the
with the
vernal equinox
to the right. The sizes of the Earth and Moon are exaggerated.
This vertical view is designed for display on a smartphone.
Previous Button
- Move backwards in time by Hours Per Step. Hours Per Step = 1 to 24 Hours. Animation also moves by Hours Per Step.
Now Button
- Move to whole number hour nearest to current local time. NASA provides image for each hour.
Next Button
- Move forward in time by Hours Per Step. Hours Per Step = 1 to 24 Hours.
Animate Moon
- Check box to run animation. Uncheck to stop.
Reverse Animate
- Run animation in reverse.
- Dropdown to pick one of 5 views on the right.
Hours Per Step
- Dropdown to pick from 1 to 24 hours for each step of the animation and Previous/Next buttons.
Show Lines
- Check box to show the centerlines on the moon.
Show Data
- Check box to show the moon text data for each step.
Rotate Parallactic
- Check box to show the RIGHT moon rotated by the
parallactic angle
at your latitude. Uncheck the box for a smoother animation. The LEFT moon is always parallactic rotated.
Parallactic Rotation
Say you are at the north pole, and the bright side of the moon is on the left. If you were at the south pole, the bright side would be on the right.
The image of the moon rotates 180 degrees as you move from one pole to the opposite pole.
But if you were near the equator, the moon at 1 degree north latitude looks about the same as the moon at 1 degree south latitude.
The image of the moon rotates 90 degrees as you move from the north pole to the equator.
The image of the moon rotates 90 degrees, but in the opposite rotation direction, as you move from the south pole to the equator.
The sum of these 2 rotations is 180 degrees.
This apparent rotation of the moon at different latitudes is called
Parallactic Rotation
. Most images you see of the moon do NOT include parallactic rotation. To present an image with parallactic rotation, you must know the latitude of the observer. It is easier to just show the same image to everyone. The image is then correct, but does not include parallactic rotation.
= Position Angle of the Moon's bright limb in Degrees.
Download the executable
and then just run the program.
Select SET on the top main menu, or right-click, to set your location to get correct values for Moon: rise, set, altitude, azimuth, and parallactic rotation. Click on the
Latitude and Longitude Finder
text link to lookup your latitude and longitude online. Most phones have GPS that can show your latitude and longitude. On Apple iPhone 14 this is located in the Compass app. Jun 11, 2024 Initial Public Release Dec 22, 2024 Updated for 2025 NASA Moon Images
Digital Signature
I purchased a
Code Signing
Certificate from
Certificate Authority (CA)
and used it to digitally sign (and timestamp) program executable moonmagic.exe. The signature says it was signed by MICHAEL ROBINSON. Code Signing proves that the program actually came from me and has not been modified by a hacker since it was signed.
Run Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) right click on the and select Properties:
Then click on the tab Digital Signatures, and click the Details button:
Then click the View Certificate button to see my certificate:
If even one byte is changed, either in the or in the signature, the signature will show as
in the properties.
This FREE program is fully functional. Donation of $10 is requested but not required. All features are enabled. No time limit. No advertising. No spyware. No nag screens.
The requested donation is
US Dollars. I accept major credit cards,
, or personal checks. Press one of the links below and your browser will open and go to PayPal with all the purchase information already filled out. You can use PayPal to pay by credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account. The total cost to you is $10.00. No fees. Use your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover card. PayPal also allows you to pay directly from your bank account. PayPal is a very secure and reliable payment system used by millions of people around the world.
or send payment by
payable to:
Or send personal check or money order payable to Michael Robinson
Michael Robinson
PO Box 95
Shelton, CT 06484
I am PayPal Verified. My Account Creation Date is May 30, 2000. Yes, I have been using this PayPal account for over TWENTY-FOUR (24) years.
The Official PayPal Verified Seal above means that I have provided PayPal with proof that I have a bank account and that my address is valid. Banks are required by law to screen account holders so PayPal's verification process increases security when you pay parties you do not know. My bank has my address and Social Security number on file. I have been using PayPal for over 24 years.
I use PayPal because the fees are low. If you send me $10.00 PayPal only takes about $0.84 so I net $9.16. All other payment services take several dollars so I would have to charge around $15 for my program to gain the same net. This lowers the cost to you. PayPal does not charge you any fees. PayPal is also free for me for most purchases, such as Ebay auction payments, but as a seller I am required to have a Premier Account with fees. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still use PayPal to make a payment using your credit card. PayPal does not charge you any fees for this. PayPal is a very secure and reliable payment system used by millions of people around the world.